Why Foot Botox Is Trending Post-Pandemic

Feet Botox AKA Botox for plantar fasciitis

Post-pandemic, we have noticed a rise in patients seeking foot Botox to ease the pain of wearing heels. High heels have long been associated with discomfort, but for those committed to height-boosting footwear or dealing with conditions like plantar fasciitis, Botox offers a surprising source of relief. Known for its cosmetic benefits, Botox also helps alleviate foot pain by temporarily paralyzing muscles, reducing inflammation, and deactivating pain neurotransmitters​

The return to offices, formal events, and fashion weeks has increased the demand for foot Botox. Many spent the pandemic in flats or slippers and are now finding the transition back to heels particularly painful. Cosmetic like Dr. Amir Mortazavi, MD note that the uneven pressure distribution in heels exacerbates foot pain, making Botox an appealing option for relief​

Botox works by paralyzing muscles around the heel bone, reducing the activity of pain-related neurotransmitters. It also helps with bunions and calluses, offering a preventative measure against worsening conditions.

The effects of foot Botox last about three to four months, similar to other areas of the body. While there are potential side effects like temporary muscle weakness and swelling, these usually subside within a few days. Given its minimal aftercare and lower risk compared to surgery, Botox is a viable option for those looking to alleviate foot pain and return to their high-heel lifestyle​

Botox for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis can cause bothersome, potentially debilitating pain that can interfere with your life. Botox and Dysport injections provide a quick and minimally invasive treatment option that can effectively minimize these symptoms.

Common Causes

Plantar fasciitis can result from wearing high heels, intense exercise, or prolonged standing. These activities strain the plantar fascia, leading to inflammation and pain.

How does it work?

Botox, when injected into the plantar fascia, paralyzes the surrounding muscles. This deactivates Substance P, a pain-related neurotransmitter, and reduces inflammation, leading to less pain, swelling, and redness.


Botox injections can significantly reduce plantar fasciitis pain and improve foot function. A 2017 study found that patients treated with Botox experienced significant pain relief and improved mobility compared to those given a placebo. Botox can be an effective alternative to steroid treatments, especially when combined with stretching exercises. Consult Dr. Amir Mortazavi to see if it's right for you.


Results are noticeable within 24-48 hours and can last up to four months. Further treatment can be discussed with Dr. Amir as needed.

Visit our website at www.plumpmedicalspa.com or call us at (949) 568-7544 to schedule your appointment today. Follow us on social media for the latest updates and exclusive offers.

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